
BLEND 406 - She wolf

New blend, this time with Shakira and her new video directed by Jake Nava "She wolf".

Nuevo blend, en esta oportunidad con Shakira y su nuevo video dirigido por Jake Nava, "She wolf".

Haz click sobre la imagen para verla en su tamaƱo real


  1. necesito que me respondas por favor
    tu entras al foro de mujeres desesperadas ?


  2. Your work is incredible, seriously. I love it all. You are truly talented.

    May I please have your email? I'd like to talk to you about your work.

    Or email me:

    jaime.alvizar (at) hotmail

  3. Hey I own a blog too. :P I have loved your so much so i decided to make one myself but its a britney only one. http://britneyspears1998tonow.blogspot.com/

  4. Thanx for being so inspired. I'm now working on my on blog. Not as good as you are but i hope you like it ;) http://creation-factory.blogspot.com/

  5. you need to update your blog more. I check everyday for new stuff and i haven't seen new stuff in a while now.

    Check my Britney Update Blog Out www.seekinbritney.blogspot.com

  6. Hola! yo recien entro en esto me podrias ayudar algunas formas de usar el photoshop tengo el cs3!gracias1 me encanta lo que haces! ajja me quede re tildada viendo todas tu fotos!:)

  7. hey netmen, one of your amazing LOST blends have been featured on aceshowbiz. check it out: http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00029044.html

  8. que bueno te quedp el de la loba
    muy bein me encanto
