
BLEND 183 - Sticky and sweet

Nuevo blend de la única y grande Madonna, quise hacer un promo de su próximo tour “Sticky and sweet” y si lo observan bien pueden ver una hermosa sorpresa.

Haz click sobre la imagen para verla en su tamaño real


  1. شركة الصفرات للتنظيف بالرياض
    Cleaning is one of the priorities of life that is indispensable and must be taken care of permanently on availability in the place So Safrat cleaning company in Riyadh to provide a distinctive set of detergents strong and safe and able to handle all types of stains and remove easily and without the need to bother and hardship cleaning

    شركة الصفرات لمكافحة الحشرات بالرياض
    Al Safrat Pest Control Company in Riyadh provides a range of insecticides that are capable of completely eradicating all types of insects present in the place. All pesticides are completely safe for health and can be treated in the presence of family members normally through the best prices

    شركة الصفرات لنقل الاثاث بالرياض
    Al Safarat Furniture Company in Riyadh offers a very distinctive collection of cars that are used to transport various pieces of furniture and equipped inside to receive all the pieces to be transported properly without any impact on the other


  2. شركة الصفرات لتنظيف الخزانات بالرياض
    Al-Safrat Company for cleaning tanks in Riyadh advises its customers with a number of different advice to ensure the safety of the tank and the health of the customer in the first place
    And on top of these tips
    Do not leave the tank filled with water if not in use

    شركة تنظيف بالمدينة
    A cleaning company in Madinah provides a very large range of the best types of detergents that are completely safe for health and can be dealt with in the presence of family members without affecting them and has a very distinctive result

    شركة تنظيف بينبع
    A cleaning company recommends that the house should be constantly cleaned and ventilated as there is no room for the spread of unpleasant odors or the spread of various insects. A cleaning company recommends exposing all places in the house to direct sunlight and heat in order to kill any delicate insects in the place

    شركة نقل اثاث بينبع
    Moving furniture is not easy to work on without any problem so a furniture transfer company in Yanbu provides a distinguished group of carpenters who are able to dismantle and install all kinds of furniture to be transferred properly
